Amorphia Apparel Funny and surreal shirts for my fellow nerds Spice - Not Even Once shop now Look on my shirt ye mighty and despair! shop now Professor Frankenstein shop now All the Talk of the Market shop now Quoth shop now Umbra University shop now
Hirsute History History told through the hair of the people who shaped it Jane Austen shop now Charles Dickens shop now Jules Verne shop now Ursula Le Guin shop now Philip K Dick shop now Hannah Arendt shop now Nellie Bly shop now Oliver Sacks shop now Susan Sontag shop now Zelda Fitzgerald shop now Gertrude Stein shop now Sylvia Plath shop now Walt Whitman shop now James Joyce shop now Rachel Carson shop now Flannery O'Connor shop now Aldous Huxley shop now H.P. Lovecraft shop now Leo Tolstoy shop now Anton Chekhov shop now Alexander Pushkin shop now Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn shop now Andrei Platonov shop now Hunter S Thompson shop now Mark Twain shop now Kurt Vonnegut shop now Rudyard Kipling shop now william Shakespeare shop now Virginia Woolf shop now Emily Dickinson shop now Isaac Asimov shop now Edgar Allan Poe shop now Pablo Neruda shop now Simone de Beauvoir shop now Fyodor Dostoyevsky shop now Albert Camus shop now Ray Bradbury shop now Alan Watts shop now Stephen Hawking shop now Franz Kafka shop now Dorothy Parker shop now Ayn Rand shop now Agatha Christie shop now Toni Morrison shop now Allen Ginsberg shop now George Orwell shop now Jack Kerouac shop now Maya Angelou shop now Shirley Jackson shop now David Foster Wallace shop now Ralph Waldo Emerson shop now John Steinbeck shop now Nikki Giovanni shop now Nikolai Gogol shop now Harry Potter shop now Neal Stephenson shop now Tennessee Williams shop now F. Scott Fitzgerald shop now Terry Pratchett shop now Gene Wolfe shop now Charlotte Bronte shop now
Teach the Controversy Intelligently designed pro-evolution, anti-nonsense shirts Cthulhu shop now Doublethink (2 + 2 = 5) shop now
Monsters of Grok Band shirt mashups for history's great minds Jorge Luis Borges shop now W. B. Yeats shop now
ABCs of Evil Adorable monsters and villians from pop culture U is for Umbridge shop now Y is for Yog Sothoth shop now V is for He Who Must Not Be Named shop now